【Pokémon Sleep】IV Scoring

IV Scoring
The calculation of scores is based on this sheet created by volunteers.

Discussions about scoring are happening at this site.

Score = Score based on type of Pokemon + Score of sub-skills that match the main skill + Score based on personality is how it is calculated.

Ranking Guidelines

There are ranks from SS to E, and here are the guidelines for each rank.
Rank General Evaluation Evaluation in Heavy Spending
SS Theoretically the strongest individuals that exist. Use all your training resources without hesitation! Main force of the main team
S Superb and will never be off the main team. You may use skill seeds as well. It is a secondary main force Pokémon that is worth nurturing
A Main force of the main team. You may use skill seeds as well. Candy perhaps?
B It is a secondary main force Pokémon that is worth nurturing A candy
C Storage box keeper A candy
D If a Pokémon drops a good berry or ingredient, you may add it to the team, but it is essentially a candy. A candy
E A candy A candy

Score by Pokémon Type

We are rating Pokémon on a scale from +2 to +10. The evaluation is scored based on factors such as speed of assistance, potential when evolved, and maximum capacity, and is calculated from the total of these.

Score of Sub-skills that Match Main Skills

We evaluate sub-skills based on the main skill of the Pokémon. For example, if the main skill is "ingredient", high ratings are given to the "increase in ingredient probability" and "increase in the maximum number of ingredients held", and low ratings are given to the "increase in skill probability".
In addition to the score of each sub-skill itself, we are scoring from +0.5 to +4 according to the characteristics of the Pokémon. In addition, the score varies depending on the level at which each sub-skill can be acquired, converting lv10 to 200%, lv25 to 195%, lv50 to 180%, lv75 to 150%, and lv100 to 125%.
We use the total of these values as the total score for the sub-skills.
Skill name Main Score If Main Skill is Berry If Main Skill is Ingredient If Main Skill is Skill
Berry Finding S 6 4 2 2
Helping Speed M 4 2 1 1
Helping Bonus 6 2 1 2
Helping Speed S 2 1 0.5 0.5
Ingredient Finder M 4 1 2 1
Inventory Up L 4 1 2 1
Ingredient Finder S 2 0.5 1 0.5
Inventory Up M 4 0.5 1 0.5
Inventory Up S 2 0 0 0
Skill Level Up M 6 1.5 1.5 3
Skill Level Up S 4 1 1 2
Skill Trigger M 4 1 1 2
Skill Trigger S 2 0.5 0.5 1
Energy Recovery Bonus 6 1 1 2
Sleep EXP Bonus 6 0.5 0.5 1
Research EXP Bonus 6 0.5 0.5 1
Dream Shard Bonus 6 0.5 0.5 1

Score by Nature

We evaluate Pokemon on a scale from -8 to 10. We score based on the speed of assistance, potential when evolved, and maximum capacity, and calculate the total. For each personality's ability, we score according to the main skill as follows.
Nature If Main Skill is Skill If Main Skill is Berry If Main Skill is Ingredients
Lonely 2 4 2
Adamant 8 10 0
Naughty 2 8 6
Brave 6 8 6
Bold -6 -8 -6
Impish 2 2 -6
Lax -4 0 0
Relaxed 0 0 0
Modest -8 -10 0
Mild -6 -6 2
Rash -6 -2 6
Quiet -2 -2 6
Calm -2 -8 -6
Gentle 0 -4 -4
Careful 6 2 -6
Sassy 4 0 0
Timid -6 -8 -6
Hasty -4 -4 -4
Jolly 2 2 -6
Naive -4 0 0
Bashful 0 0 0
Hardy 0 0 0
Docile 0 0 0
Quirky 0 0 0
Serious 0 0 0